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Bognor Regis BID: Making parking cost effective

During Term 1, the BID has worked with partners to fund the two-hour parking discs scheme, using funds paid by businesses to pay for all aspects of design, production, promotion, storage and distribution of a total 147,000 discs to retailers.  Profits from sales of the discs are invested directly into the projects you prioritised. 

The fantastic two-hour parking disc scheme is made possible through a financial contribution from BRTC and the BID to Arun District Council for the use of their parking spaces, and the BID funding and managing all aspects of its delivery. The scheme continues to be incredibly popular with both residents and visitors to Bognor Regis, encouraging footfall by making parking really easy and really cost effective for town centre users.

Over the course of Term 1, the BID has used levy funds from businesses to contribute towards the cost of the spaces, plus all direct and staffing costs for the design, production, promotion, storage and distribution of around 147,000 discs to retailers.

All profits from the BID’s sale of parking discs to retailers are invested back into projects delivered in the BID Area. Sales from the discs generate a small profit for the independent retailers that sell to consumers, providing them with additional income, thereby benefitting the local economy as a result.

Through the March 2022 survey, businesses overwhelmingly supported the BID’s role in providing the scheme, with 52% of businesses believe retailing the two-hour car parking disc is the most impactful BR BID activity that benefits businesses.

Looking forwards to Term 2, and subject to all partners’ agreement to extending the arrangements, the BID is committed to investing levy funds to continue the scheme, with BID staffing resources and committed to managing its delivery for another five years. At the moment - particularly with the effects of inflation - the disc is a little bit too cost effective for consumers so, working with partners, we’ll explore how the scheme can be developed to benefit everyone a little bit more equally.

While we don’t have direct responsibility for any car parks in the BID Area, we’ll continue to lobby and encourage our partners to make improvements to their safety, visibility, accessibility and appeal through our strategic role. We’re also committed to our environmental responsibilities, which means we’ll be recommending and supporting ongoing enhancements to the delivery and promotion of active travel schemes.


You can read and download the full BID Term 2 Proposal and other documents at:

You can read and download the BR BID’s Business Plan as an e-newsletter at:


Bognor Regis B.I.D

c/o Platform 4, The Track

Bognor Regis Train Station

Station Road

Bognor Regis PO21 1QF

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