Apologies if this comes a tad late in the day – I’m sure you are all aware of key announcements regarding the re-opening timelines for some businesses, but I’ll provide a recap here nonetheless.
I’ve also included details of the “Discretionary Grant Fund”, and how to apply. There was a bit of a gap between the government announcing the funding and the guidance and money reaching those that are tasked with delivering it, but you’ll be able to apply from 1st June. There’s a tight window on applications, and on eligibility criteria, so make sure you check the full details below and follow the links provided.
There are a few reminders from previous updates - to contact us if you want to feature on the BID's "Suppliers List" for Covid-19 secure items, and a link back to the "Save The High Street" health check for businesses survey.
The BID’s been working closely with all of the agencies responsible for town centres across the District, making sure that the town is as well prepared as possible as more businesses start to reopen. I’ve been writing a major update to send to all businesses next week – it’ll be quite a big read as it covers a wide range of issues. It will be with you ASAP!
If you don't want to read all the way down to the end, then let me wish you all a lovely weekend! Kind regards, Heather
Re-opening of some businesses
On Monday 25th May the UK Government gave further details of its roadmap for reopening a broader range of shops and businesses, starting in June. From 1 June 2020, it intends to allow outdoor markets to reopen, subject to all premises being made COVID-secure, as well as car showrooms. These are businesses which often have significant outdoor space and where it is generally easier to apply social distancing.
From 15 June 2020, UK Government intends to allow all other retailers to open, as long as the Government’s five tests are met, and businesses follow the COVID-19 secure guidelines.
Updated guidance has been issued for the retail sector, detailing the measures retailers should take to meet the necessary social distancing and hygiene standards.
You'll find that guidance here.
I cannot stress enough the importance of referring to the government guidance documents for your sector and carrying out a risk assessment for your business.
Discretionary Business Grant
The Discretionary Business Grant scheme will be launched on 1st June and the application form will be on the Arun District Council web site. I've had a quick check, and it's not live at the time of writing this update.
Please note that this is a much smaller grant total than the first round of business support grants, and is only open to businesses that are not eligible for any other Covid-19 related support schemes.
You can access the guidelines for the scheme on ADC's website here: https://www.arun.gov.uk/download.cfm?doc=docm93jijm4n15415.docx&ver=15837
If your business is eligible and you'd like to apply, it might be wise to keep an eye on the link on ADC's Business Rates and Business Support Covid 19 page to check when the application form is "activated":
Local suppliers list to help make businesses Covid-19 Secure
Just a reminder to contact us if your business is offering products or services to make premises Covid-19 secure.
We’re currently building up a list of contacts that have been recommended or approached us directly, but want to give priority to BID and local area businesses before suggesting any out-of- area or online-only distributors.
Please email heather@brbid.og if your business supplies any of the items businesses may be looking for to make their premises Covid-19 secure, and we will include you on the suppliers list. Equally, if you’ve had great experiences with any suppliers and think they could help other businesses, please send me their details so I can include them, too.
Save the High Street: Health Check for Businesses Survey
Finally, if you are able to make the time, a reminder that “Save the High Street” has designed a Health Check for businesses to complete to get a clear understanding of how ready our high street economy is now and as we head into the recovery stages from Covid-19.
The survey covers the most important strategies for high street business owners right now, across six key themes:
1. Reducing your costs
2. Selling in new ways
3. Adapting your marketing
4. Collaborating as a high street
5. Preparing for the future
6. Funding your business
It's worth carrying out, if only as a useful reminder of all the things you COULD do to help your business, if you haven’t already done so. However, a huge benefit is that, once you’ve completed the survey (which takes about 11 minutes), you’ll receive the following personalised support for FREE:
• A Health-Check report and scores, highlighting vulnerabilities and opportunities across your business.
• 6 top recommendations based on your responses, each with engaging content, step-by-step guides and more.
• A telephone call with an expert consultant to discuss your report and recommendations (optional and the first 1,000 responses).
You can link to the SaveTheHighStreet.org's COVID 19 Recovery & Resilience Health Check here: https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/5576426/High-Street-Recovery-and-Resilience?s=BID
Kindest regards, Heather