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BR BID Coronavirus Update: Wednesday 22nd April 2020: Latest Updates from DBEI, Shoplocal BR

Reminder – Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (Furloughing Scheme)

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme portal is now open for application. Employers can claim online for a grant for 80% of their furloughed employees’ salaries, up to a maximum of £2,500 per employee per month. Click here to make a claim: To receive payment by 30 April, you will need to complete an application by the end of 22 April as it can take 6 working days from making an application to receive the money. Please keep a note or print-out of your claim reference number as you won’t receive a confirmation SMS or email. HMRC have produced this step by step guidance on how to make a claim: There is also a calculator to help you work out your claim. (Source: DBEIS Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Businesses and Employers Bulletin 22 April 2020.) I’ve spoken to a number of businesses that have used the portal, and their biggest tip is making sure you have all your reference numbers to hand. You’ll need to have registered for payroll to be one of your online HMRC services, and you’ll need your Employer’s PAYE reference number, Corporation Tax Unique Tax Payer reference, as well as all of the details about your staff. Another really good piece of advice was to calculate the payments for the number of WEEKS you’re claiming for, rather than months, as you can only enter full months. Coronavirus Business Support Blog The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy have created the Coronavirus Business Support Blog to help business get the support they need to help with the impact of coronavirus. The government has made available a full range of business support measures during this time. This blog contains additional information and resources, including: • case studies from businesses who have or will be accessing government support • posts from different people across government and business For all the latest up to date government guidance on coronavirus support for businesses, please visit the coronavirus pages on GOV.UK: (Source: DBEIS Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Businesses and Employers Bulletin 22 April 2020.) Share the impact coronavirus is having on your organisation  The DBEIS are asking businesses to let them “know how the outbreak is impacting your business".

Please send your intelligence to Commercially sensitive information will be treated accordingly.  Please note that this inbox is only for receiving intelligence and does not provide business advice.” (Source: DBEIS Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Businesses and Employers Bulletin 22 April 2020.) Update on Shop Local Bognor Regis The good news is that we now have 25 businesses, groups and organisations listed on Shop Local Bognor Regis. This is a great opportunity to share the ways your business or group is still there for your customers and clients whilst social distancing measures are in place. I’m going to be working on adding web links from the site to the banks, chains and services that are still open, and will start promoting and publicising the site later this week. It would be great to have as many businesses as possible listed before the site goes live – it’s a straightforward process – you can link to the full details of how to list your business here: Other useful sources of information: These are suggestions of some great additional sources of information to keep you abreast of developments and opportunities, delivered straight to your inbox: Arun Business Partnership newsletters: Save the High Street – for weekly updates and ideas to adapt your business during the current pandemic: To receive updates directly from the DBEIS:


Whilst Clair is temporarily furloughed, and I am working from home, you can still contact me by email:, by phone: 07917 692690 or through Zoom meeting software. The software is free to download and works across a wide range of platforms – phones, tablets, PC’s, Macs. If you’d like a virtual face to face, please invite: Kindest regards, Heather Heather Allen, BR BID Co-Ordinator



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