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Colour Your Christmas Bognor Regis 2022

Let’s work together to make Bognor Regis the brightest, most colourful and most welcoming town to visit this festive season!

With Bognor Regis Town Council’s amazing new lighting display, the additional lighting installations made possible by BID Levy payers and your creative flair, we can build Bognor Regis’s reputation as a “must go” place to visit for amazing window displays, fantastic lights, brilliant gifts and seasonal staples, and an all-round great place to enjoy Christmas.

With everything that’s going on at the moment, this year’s focus will be on the values and experience of Christmas.

BR BID at Christmas: Overview and Key dates:

Deadline for V2 Treasure Hunt sign-ups: Wednesday 5th October 2022 – see details below.

BRTC Christmas Lights Switch On: BRTC’s fabulous new Christmas lights will be switched on on Saturday 26th November 2022.

All event details will be shared by BRTC. The BID is delighted to be working with BRTC to support their event and increase footfall and dwell time across the BID Area. Details of specific BID activity to support will be announced once we’ve had feedback from businesses in different zones as to what they’d like us to help them deliver there!

Promoting individual business’s events for Lights Switch On: Last year there was a great response from businesses really celebrating the Lights Switch On event and benefitting from the extra footfall! Let us know your “Switch On” event plans for the 26th November this year, and we’ll help you reach a wider audience through promotion on Love Bognor Regis. We’ll send out details of how to feature your events and activities closer to the time.

Christmas Window Displays: There’s no formal competition this year, but we’ll promote businesses sharing images of their window display through BID channels. We’ll send out details of how to tag the BID in a little closer to the time!

Late night opening suggestion: We know that late night opening isn't always feasible, but if you're open to - well - staying open for a little bit later than usual, then Saturday 26th November is a great choice to benefit from the extra footfall coming in for the Lights Switch On event.


Christmas Installations: The extra lighting installations, funded by BID levy paying businesses and loved on social media are back for the final year! Bognor Regis businesses will be making the town extra sparkly with the addition of: the bauble and festive illuminated garlands at Station Square, professionally lit Christmas Tree and angel at Old Town, projection at East End, and the angel and baubles at Bedford Street, archways and central bauble at The Arcade.

Banners: It’ll be a colour co-ordinated Christmas with the beautiful “Colour your Christmas” banners at London Road, East End and central High Street, plus large window vinyl at Queensway (a reminder that Queensway is now included in the BRTC Christmas Lighting scheme!)

Promoting the town: We’ll be showcasing the whole town’s festive offer on a dedicated Christmas page on Love Bognor Regis. In addition to the fabulous new “Christmas Treasure Hunt” with V2, levy funds are also being invested in a seasonal radio campaign encouraging more visitors to experience Christmas in Bognor Regis, plus press coverage to raise the profile of seasonal activities and opportunities. We’ll send out details of how to feature your events and activities closer to the time.

Promoting businesses: Promote your business’s special offers through the BID’s social channels and websites this Christmas. We’ll send out details of how to share closer to the time.

Supporting the Community: We’re working with Voluntary Action Arun and Chichester (VAAC) to host and promote their Christmas events and activities, including “Christmas on a Budget” at the POP! unit. We’re also offering Bognor Regis CICs, charities and community groups the opportunity to showcase the vital work they do by hosting “Giving Trees”, and showcasing each organisation’s work through BID channels.

A note about the ice rink: The BID supports the ice rink in terms of a bit of admin and joined-up-promotion in the later stages – the agreements and arrangements as to where it goes is between the Event Organisers and Arun District Council. At the time of writing, we understand both parties are working together on a plan for 2022, and we’re hopeful we’ll see the rink back in Bognor Regis this winter!


Sign up!

In Partnership with V2 Radio: Christmas Treasure Hunt:

Working in partnership with V2 Radio, there’s a supercharged window trail for 2022!

Airing from 26th November to 22nd December, the festive trail will be an audio treasure hunt with daily clues, voiced by V2's instantly recognisable presenters, with daily audio and video clues downloadable from both V2 Radio and the Love Bognor Regis website and social channels.

There’ll also be written versions of the clues and entry forms which can be downloaded from both high-footfall websites.

The great thing about trails is that they encourage people into the town centre to take part. This year there’s an extra bonus for the 20 indie businesses getting involved, as you’ll benefit from extra promotion from our friends at V2 Radio.

This offer is open to all paid up, independent levy paying businesses across the BID Area at no charge – preferably those with windows at ground floor level!! Spaces will be allocated to the first twenty eligible businesses to contact us by emailing

DEADLINE: Wednesday 5th October 2022


Bognor Regis B.I.D

c/o Platform 4, The Track

Bognor Regis Train Station

Station Road

Bognor Regis PO21 1QF

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