Dear BID Levy paying businesses,
Next Thursday, Bognor Regis Town Council will be considering the BID's request for increased funding support to ensure the ongoing provision of a minimum five day per week town centre Community Warden service.
At present, over two thirds of the cost for the warden service is funded by investment of BID levy, paid by liable businesses within the boundaries of the BID Area - with £10k annual contribution from BRTC. Funded by businesses, the BID also provides a 24 hour accessible "base" for the warden and the staff to manage the contract and act as the main point of contact for all matters. If the BID is unsuccessful at ballot in February 2023, all of that funding and day to day management will disappear, and any ongoing funding for the warden service will be at the discretion of the town and district council.
Taking on responsibility for the full funding and management of warden provision is a big decision for Councillors, who must make prudent decisions based on their budget and the impact on the community. I have been asked to provide statistics about impact of warden provision on reducing shoplifting and anti-social behaviour, which I will do. However, the benefits of the warden service may not be fully reflected in crime stats, particularly when reporting on DISC doesn’t reflect the full picture.
I would really encourage all BID area businesses - whether you are liable to pay the levy or not - to put forward your views as to how valuable (or not) you find the warden service, and what its reduction or loss would mean to your business by emailing the Assistant Clerk of BRTC directly: Joanne will then collate your feedback and present it to Councillors in advance of their decision making.
Kindest regards, Heather
Heather Allen Co-Ordinator Bognor Regis Business Improvement District Tel: 07917 692690