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Unhappy about something you've seen in the town centre?
Want someone to do something about it? Here's how to:


Reporting problems

Different organisations are responsible for dealing with different problems you may encounter in the public realm. 

You might be the first person to notice something, or you might be the 20th - but if it isn't reported to the right people in the right way, there might be a delay before anything's done.  The best way to get problems dealt with is to report them in the right way.

If you are a BID levy payer and are signed up to the DISC reporting app, you can report a whole range of issues including cleansing, trading standards, rough sleeper locations, and stray dogs directly through the app. From the Home screen, simply select 'SUBMIT A REPORT' and then 'SUBMIT A PUBLIC REALM REPORT', to see the options available.

If you are not signed up to the DISC app, Arun District Council have a brilliant page on their website that links to the right people to report the most common problems you'll come across in the town centre, including fly-tipping, cleaning, potholes, litter, graffiti, needles or other drug-related items, rough sleeper locations, street lights, and parking.  There's no point in us duplicating their work, so we're going to direct you to their page here:

Arun District Council Information App

Arun District Council's new mobile app is designed to allow easy access to a variety of their services whilst on the go - the app enables residents to keep up to date with ADC's latest news, quickly report incidents and find useful information about their property and the surrounding area.

It is free to download, click on either the Apple App store or Google Play store links below:

Arun District Council mobile app via Apple app store

Arun District Council mobile app via Google Play store

or search for Arun District Council on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

For further information, and to watch an instructional video on how to use the app please visit:

Reporting crime

Is it an emergency? Does it feel like the situation could get heated or violent very soon? Is someone in immediate danger? Do you need support right away? If so, please call 999 immediately. If you have a hearing or speech impairment, use the text-phone service 18000 or text Sussex Police on 999 if you’ve pre-registered with the emergencySMS service.

You can report crimes, issues and incidents directly to Sussex Police using their online reporting service here:

Reporting Grafitti

Bognor Regis Town Council's excellent Town Force Team remove graffiti from eth Town Centre Area on behalf of various different clients, and on behalf of the community. 
All graffiti needs to be reported to Sussex Police first.  This can be done by calling 101 or online here .You will be issued with a reference number which needs to be supplied to us before graffiti removal can be arranged.
Once you've reported to the Police, to remove graffiti from domestic and commercial assets within the Town Council area, please email or call 01243 825535, quoting the Police Reference Number issued to you.  
If you want to report graffiti on Arun District Council assets (such as car parks, play areas, parks & greenspaces), you'll need to report through their app, or website as shown above, as Town Force Team need ADC to make the request to remove any graffiti from their land.

Reporting street traders

This is where it can get a little bit complicated, so we're going to give links to the various agencies responsible for different types of street trading.


'Perfume sellers'

Most of the issues people have with rogue street traders involve people trying to sell you things out of carrier bags in the town centre. The Trading Standards Agency are responsible for dealing with sales of counterfeit perfume and tobacco. You can report this kind of activity here:


The Pedlars Act 1871 protects our civil liberty to freely trade in public under the authority of a pedlar's certificate. In simple terms, a pedlar is any person who travels on foot, going from town to town or house to house selling goods or offering their skills in handicrafts and selling such things as pictures, dusters and household goods. Pedlars certificates are granted by the police, and if you find you are being disturbed by pedlars, you should report the problem to the police. However, if your concern is about goods that you've purchased from a pedlar, you should report the problem to Trading Standards. You can do both of these things by following the links shown above.

Market Stalls - general market

In Bognor Regis, the general market that runs on Tuesdays and Saturdays is managed by Bognor Regis BID.  If you have experienced any problems with the general market, please contact us through our contact form here. However, if your concern is about goods that you've purchased from a market trader, you should report the problem to Trading Standards.

Market Stalls - individual traders

Outside of the regular market, all traders will need to have their own agreement with Arun District Council's Licensing Department. If you have an issue with any of these traders please email: However, if your concern is about goods that you've purchased from a market trader, you should report the problem to Trading Standards.

Market Stalls - linked to special events

Sometimes there will be special markets, like craft fairs, that are one-offs, or are linked to other big events going on in the town. If you have a problem with traders at these markets, you'll need to take it up with the event organiser.  However, if your concern is about goods that you've purchased from a market trader, you should report the problem to Trading Standards.

(Told you it was complicated.)

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